The logistics performance of small businesses in the city of Tacna, year 2021


  • Sidney Aaron Santana Carbajal



logistics performance, small business, Tacna.


The reopening of post-COVIT 19 markets and the slow reactivation of supply chains demand structural changes in which logistics plays an important strategic role. Currently, customers evaluate the quality of the product, its added value and its availability in time and form much more easily, hence the need to make all processes efficient; but due to their informal structure and lack of technical knowledge, this makes it not applicable in the short term.

Small companies are characterized by their dynamism and adaptability, but also by their great fragility, disorganization and improvisation, which has always been recommended to small entrepreneurs to consider logistics methodologies to improve their performance, but as we will see below, it is not a easy task to adapt to reality.

Many authors try to describe logistics and the many ways to apply it to improve from the field of decision making, supply chain, inventory control, cost control, etc. But the reality is that to date no one has been able to generate a comprehensive logistics management model applicable to small businesses.



How to Cite

Santana Carbajal, S. A. (2021). The logistics performance of small businesses in the city of Tacna, year 2021. Management Control Review, 1(1), 36–42.


